radio frequency adapter rf adapter
advanced VHF communication system
all solid state VHF and UHF TV transposer
all solid state VHF TV transmitter
amplitude modulated vhf transmitter
bidirectioanl VHF data link
high pressure and high power(hphP) VHF-PECVD
Interim Regulations Governing the Use of VHF Radiotelephone by Foreign Vessels19891314
solid state VHF TV transmitter
terminal VHF omnidirectional radio range|TVOR
two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus
very high frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition(VHF-PECVD)
very high frequency VHF
Very High-Frequency Band ( VHF)
very-high frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition(VHF-PECVD)
very-high frequency(VHF)